This is why Ranch Critters keeps their heads down and grinds out each day with a schedule starting at 3:30 am - until we drop...
It’s stories like this .... 🐴🙏💕
Thank you Justin for sharing your journey. You are not alone! Ranch Critters loves you! 💕🙏
Justin’s Love Story

Lilliana’s Choctaw Traveller (aka Lilly)
Lilly came into my life about 5 yrs ago as a yearling. For a few years she was just a horse to me, I loved the mustang breed but her and I never seemed to bond or see eye to eye, but I never gave up on her! She was a bit ornery, and as a yearling dominated my herd.
I wasn’t really a paint horse fan, but this girl had a head on her shoulders. She was incredibly smart, but still wasn’t my favorite! Once we got her under saddle she let her true colors show! As a green horse she dominated the trails and surpassed many of the seasoned horses I had!
*Hard Times*
Three years ago my life took a turn for the worst. Huge financial troubles and a failing marriage that would ultimately end in divorce led to a terrible battle with depression.
One night sitting on the fence staring at the stars, my depression hit its peak. I felt so alone and the thoughts of giving it all up where heavy on my mind. Out of no where Lilly walked up and buried her head in my chest, she must have stood there an hour while I petted her and the pain seemed to ease.
Over the next few weeks I noticed when I was having a rough day she would act different, she would demand my attention. I’d pull her out of the pasture brush her down, clean her feet and pet on her. On nights my anxiety kept me from sleeping, I’d saddle her up and we would just ride, no matter how late or how dark it was. Unfortunately for her those nights were many. She’d stand quiet while I tacked her and away we would go!!
A rescue horse off all things was my saving grace. A horse that was discarded as worthless to someone may have saved my life. So In the end who really rescued who!
Thank you Ranch Critters for doing what you do! The amount of time and financial burdens y’all bare to rescue these animals doesn’t go unnoticed!

  Equine Rescue / Sanctuary / Endangered Spanish Mustangs
   Sponsoring/Adopting Unwanted Equine Animals
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What people are saying about RANCH CRITTERS
Gwen and Charlie are amazing for giving their lives to rescue unwanted animals! All the critters who end up there are given so much love, the volunteers are rescued too! We ❤️ Hee Haw Ranch Critters!!
These 2 ladies do an amazing job with the rescues while both work full time. The results of their love and training is remarkable. 
These ladies are angels! They are blessings to these animals!
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This is a great organization. Every penny of fundraising is given to the animals. Charlie and Gwen work relentlessly to keep the animals healthy and loved. Volunteers are emotionally effected by the spirit of these beautiful animals. We love You!                       
Best non-profit! Charlie , Gwen and all the volunteers care so much for the horses. ❤️
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Great organization that is run by 2 beautiful women who love what they are doing. Their results are phenomenal. 
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This is a special rescue organization that truly heals the animal in an overall balanced way to continue its life with the next proper owner.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~~

To honor Gwen & Charlie for their deep love to save horses & the courage, dedication & selflessness to follow their dream. I am so proud for them & all the animals they have saved. Congrats Ladies & dedicated volunteers for the LOVE & HARD WORK
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Ranch Critters (Charlie, Gwen, and all the critters especially Choctaw Moon) has been a "safe haven" for me and I'm blessed to have gotten the chance to give what support I can to those who need it the most.
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It's been very rewarding to support Ranch Critters for the past several years.  As we move into 2023  nearly 500 horses have been rescued due to Ranch Critters.   The time and energy and love and care given to each horse is limitless and has measurable results.  They restore body and spirit.   Charlie and Gwen are dedicated advocates for every horse that comes to Ranch Critters Equine Sanctuary and every dog and cat and pig and chicken and goat and ...... you get it !
Contact Us
24520 Levy Ln. 
Hempstead Tx. 77445