24520 Levy Ln. Hempstead, TX 77445
Please call/text ahead to make sure the animals are out of their PJ's, dressed, and ready for your arrival!
Ranch Critters began from our personal experience rescuing unwanted horses.
We offer a safe environment to heal, to be loved unconditionally and have a second chance at life.
Ranch Critters celebrated our 10th anniversary in 2020 and we are so proud to have assisted in the rescue and rehabilitation of over 400 horses.
One Heart... One Mind.... One Purpose....... To Serve
where the healing begins...
Equine Rescue / Sanctuary / Endangered Spanish Mustangs
Sponsoring/Adopting Unwanted Equine Animals
RANCH CRITTERS is a 501(c) non-profit organization created to help equine of all sizes and shapes have a second chance at life. Founded in 2010 so unwanted, abused and neglected equines could find a place to heal, feel safe and be loved before placing them with their new owners. We offer immediate shelter, medical care, rehabilitation and behavioral training to each horse before carefully coordinating an adoption between horse and prospective owner.
We provide a permanent home for many whose senior age and physical conditions make them very unlikely to be adopted.
24520 Levy Ln.
Hempstead Tx. 77445